Pet Care

Socialization of Cats

  1. Research and Circulate

It is critical to do research so that everyone understands the commitment required to care for an animal. Share any information you obtain with your children, and pick up some pet-related children’s books so your children are well aware on the duties of owning a cat.

  1. Establish Firm Ground Rules and Boundaries

Set ground rules for the kitten and the kids immediately away so everyone understands what to anticipate.

  1. Provide Age-Related Supervision

Children under the age of six should not be left alone with a new kitten—both the child and the cat can benefit from your guidance at this age. Before being left unsupervised, older children should demonstrate their ability to be gentle.

  1. Be Patient

Your kitten will be less stressed if he or she is given the opportunity to gradually become acquainted with his or her new surroundings—and a new household. Inform your children that the family’s new pet will require time to adjust before becoming a playmate.

  1. Enforce a sense of accountability

Help your children understand that a pet is more than just a playmate; it is a living creature that requires your attention. Assign each child an adult-supervised pet care duty to demonstrate this need. For example, one child could help with feeding while another provides fresh water. Other responsibilities could include making sure the kitten’s bedding is clean and that toys are constantly available. Cleaning the litter box, on the other hand, should be left to adults.

  1. Introduce New People

The goal is to socialize the kittens so that they will be comfortable around all people and pets and happy in their new homes, so introduce them to some fresh faces! You can introduce kittens to an adult cat as long as everyone is healthy, but keep a watchful check on everything to ensure everyone gets along. A neutered tom cat would almost certainly play with and groom the kittens, which is too cute.


Kittens that have been outside and are still scared can hurt you if you are not careful, so use gloves or protective gear if necessary. Take no chances. To obtain control of kittens, you may need to scruff them by the back of their neck. To accomplish so securely, use your full hand to gently but firmly hold the fur on the back of the cat’s neck without pinching it, then bring the cat up and instantly support her rear legs.

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